Every organization has a right to obtain every kind of information from the potential candidate. I mentioned everything, not anything.
Of course, they'd like to know if you're the perfect opportune for their organization or not.
However, sometimes, you'll need to use your wit to determine if the questions asked are reasonable, or not. In other words, you need to use to conscience to judge if the questions asked to you are not based on sensitive issues, namely -- age, race, religion, etc. Gathering information as such directly or subtly is simply considered illegal.
Top Job interview questions
Still, Peter K. Studner, author of Super Job Search IV: The Complete Manual for Job Seekers & Career Changers, says that often both interviewers and interviewees don't realize that a certain line of inquiry has veered into murky territory.
Here are a few illegal job interview questions to keep the potential candidates at bay.
Illegal job interview questions
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